• +30 2311 2023 75
+30 2311 2411 36
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Strategic Alignment

Seminal Goal:

The program helps participants to process the vision and mission of the company, consider the external environment and identify the next steps, so that the behavior of people is coordinated and aligned with the vision.


The seminar includes case analysis, brainstorming and experiential exercises aimed to be understood by the participants that the vision of the company is their belonging.


The seminar is aimed at managers of the firm which has confirmed the need to clarify the vision, mission and values ​​and to orient (align) the structures and systems and the behaviors of team members towards them.

Program Summary:

  • orkers’ understanding of the impact of the vision and mission to culture, strategy and effectiveness of the company
  • Learn to create the right conditions for workers to make a truly shared vision
  • Know how to align management systems so as to implement it fully
  • Design alignment methodologies of daily behaviors to fully serve the common vision